Celtic rope image

Theresa Breslin

Bullies at School

Bullies at School book jacket

Siobhan is desperately unhappy at school. Tormented by the cruel jokes her class-mates play on her, she often retreats to the school library and the sympathetic ear of the librarian. Then Siobhan finds a Celtic brooch, which gives her a new confidence and a strange sort of power...


Siobhan's new brooch gave her the confidence she needed to stand up to her class-mates. But there are other ways of building self-esteem, and learning how to cope with bullying. Siobhan's story is followed by a guide to problems at school - what counts as bullying, what to do if you or someone you know is being bullied. Included are do's and dont's, and useful addresses for help and advice. Be Bullyproof!

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Booknotes for Bullies at School